L'alegria ha durat poc. No ha durat ni 24 hores. Hamas ha desmentit que accepti la solució de dos estats en bon veïnatge per a resoldre el conflicte entre israelians i palestins. Per tant, no és cert el que deia
la carta enviada pel ministre d'afers estrangers del nou govern palestí al secretari general de l'ONU. Una carta que deia, literalment, això:
"Like all other people in the world, we look forward to live in peace and security and for our people to live a dignified life in freedom and independence, side by side with our neighbors in this sacred part of the world"
Aleshores, què ha passat? Doncs, que per error van enviar la carta
But a Hamas official in Gaza told Reuters the wrong letter had been sent. The official said Zahar made changes to an initial draft of the letter, such as deleting references to the two-state solution. The older version was mistakenly sent.