Iranian expatriates said Friday that the "National Uniform Law" authorized by the Iranian parliament a few days ago, which is aimed at getting “Western” style clothing off the streets and advancing more traditional “Islamic” attire, also includes a clause obligating Iranian Jews to wear a yellow ribbon. Members of the country’s Christian minority will be forces to wear a red ribbon, while those practicing the ancient Persian religion will be obligated to place a blue ribbon on their clothes. The new law is expected to go into effect within the next few months after it is authorized by Iran's supreme religious leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Ali Behroozian, an Iranian currently residing in Toronto, said that should the law pass the lives of Iranians belonging to the non-Muslim minorities will become intolerable. "They have all been persecuted for a while, but these new dress rules are going to make things worse for them," he said.
'Iranian regime has completely lost its mind'
Rabbi Marvin Heir, who heads the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles, said that Iran is getting "closer and closer to the Nazi ideology," adding that only an international outcry can prevent the law from going into effect. Heir demanded that UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan address the matter at once.
ADDENDA.- La informació sobre els distintius no està, però, confirmada. Segons sembla, la proposta d'una identificació religiosa a la roba va ser una moció que es va introduir en el debat parlamentari i no està clar ni si s'ha recollit ni de quina manera, ja que l'última paraula la té el líder espiritual Alí Khamenei.
Alguns analistes creuen que la proposta de la identificació relgiosa, que ha existit diverses vegades a la història de l'Iran, no figura en la llei però que en podria ser una conseqüència. Ho analitza molt d'aprop Hot Air (Via Barcepundit).
Could it be that the Post’s sources were guessing what’s likely to happen under the new dress code (based on their knowledge of Iranian history) rather than stating what the statute explicitly provides? From an online history of Jews in Persia:
The battle of Nehavend in 642 A.D. and the defeat of the Sassanid by Arab-Muslims ended the independence of Persia after nearly 12 centuries and it became a part of the Arab-Islamic entity. The Umayyad and Abbasid caliphs of Damascus and Baghdad controlled Persia. Arabic words infiltrated the Persian language, and Islam replaced Zorastrianism as the state religion.
These changes had a profound impact on the many religious minorities within Persia. Through a covenant of Omar (a Sunni Muslim leader), non-Muslims were deprived of social and political equality, and became, in effect, second-class citizens. Jews were made to wear a yellow ribbon on their arms and Christians a blue ribbon to distinguish them from Muslims.
Professor Amnon Netzer of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem told RFE/RL that the yellow patch as a distinctive mark for Iranian Jews reappeared a number of times through Iranian history, most recently at the beginning of the 20th century.
Maybe the Iranian expatriates figure that yellow ribbons are the logical, inevitable next step of an Islamic dress code, and Chris Wattie, the NaPo reporter, misunderstood and thought they were saying the Majlis had already mandated them. But would Taheri have misunderstood