Top 11 Things That Anti-War Protesters Would Have Said At the Normandy Invasion on D-Day (Had There Been Anti-War Protesters At Normandy)
11. No blood for French Wine!
10. It’s been two and a half years since Pearl Harbor and they still haven’t brought Admiral Nagumo to justice
9. In 62 years, the date will be 6/6/6. A coincidence? I think not.
8. All this death and destruction is because the neo-cons are in the pocket of Israel ( or more historically correct : “Jewish Residents of the British Mandate in Palestine”)
7. The soldiers are still on the beach, this invasion is a quagmire
6. Sure the holocaust is evil, but so was slavery
5. We are attacked by Japan and then attack France? Roosevelt is worse than the Kaiser!
4. Why bring democracy to Europe by force and not to Korea or Vietnam? I blame racism
3. This war doesn’t attack the root causes of Nazism
2. I support the troops, but invading Germany does not guarantee that in 56 years we won’t have a President who’s worse than Hitler
1. I don’t see Roosevelt or Churchill storming the beaches — they’re Chicken Hawks
(Josep Pla)
dimecres, 7 de juny del 2006
6 de juny de 1944: "no volem sang per vi francès"
Chroniques de l'Extrême-Centre estableix un paral·lelisme satíric entre el que diuen de la guerra de l'Iraq els suposats pacifistes actuals i el que haurien dit fa 62 anys quan les tropes aliades van desembarcar, el 6 de juny de 1944, a les platges de Normandia.