dijous, 14 de setembre del 2006

El reclutament militar als Estats Units supera els objectius fixats

Malgrat la "catàstrofe iraquiana", l'exèrcit dels EUA no té problemes reclutament:
Five years after military recruiting hit the ceiling after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks, recruiting remains solid, with every service meeting its active-duty recruiting goal for the 15th consecutive month. Recruiting and retention statistics for August, just released by the Defense Department, show the Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force all meeting or exceeding both their monthly as well as year-to-date recruiting goals for the year. At the same time, retention remains solid across the board, with all services expected to meet their retention goals for the fiscal year, officials said. During August, the Army recruited almost 10,500 soldiers, 104 percent of its goal, and the Marine Corps signed on more than 4,300 Marines, 107 percent of its goal. The Navy and Air Force both met their August goals, recruiting almost 4,100 sailors and almost 3,200 airmen, respectively.