Do you wonder why few Swedish politicians dare to suggest deregulation of the labour market to create more jobs?
According to Carl B Hamilton´s calculations, the trade union LO spends around 825 million SEK to get the social democrats elected this year. That is around 91.7 SEK per Swede.
In 2002, Bush´s presidential campaign cost 2.8 billion SEK. That is 9.5 SEK per American.
Per capita, LO´s campaign costs almost ten times more than Bush´s campaign.
(Josep Pla)
dimecres, 13 de setembre del 2006
Suècia o com gastar deu vegades més que Bush
No ho dic jo, ho diu Johan Norberg, comentant la campanya electoral d'uns comicis en els que la socialdemocràcia pot perdre el govern.