Cindy Sheehan, la mare pacifista i antiguerra amb un fill mort a l'Iraq, havia servit als demòcrates fins a les eleccions, però ara
comença a fer nosa.
In an item yesterday, we noted that we were hard-pressed to find any commentary on the Angry Left blogs about fascist fishwife Cindy Sheehan's latest antics, directed against congressional Democrats. But a reader calls our attention to an anti-Sheehan post by one Steve Soto of the Left Coaster blog, who acknowledges that Sheehan has outlasted her usefulness: "Please put a sock in it Cindy, at least for now," he says.
This prompts a storm of comments, with Sheehanoids and the Sheehan-annoyed vying to see who can rage more intensely. It's a real hoot (though some language is not appropriate for family reading).