dimecres, 11 d’abril del 2007

Si Bush té poca acceptació, els demòcrates menys

Via Barcepundit, accedeixo a aquestes enquestes de Gallup sobre el grau d'aprovació i desprovació de la feina feta per Bush i pel Congrés, ara de majoria demòcrata.

PRINCETON, NJ -- Gallup's monthly update on key trends and indicators finds a modest improvement in the approval ratings Americans give to President George W. Bush and Congress, but little change in the public's overall satisfaction with the state of the nation. All three are still rated quite negatively, with 38% of Americans approving of Bush, 33% approving of Congress, and 33% saying they are satisfied with the way things are going in the nation. The president's rating has remained relatively stable in the 30% range since October 2006. So far this year, ratings of Congress are higher, on average, than last year.