El clerge musulmà Abu Hamza que predicava a la mesquita londinenca de Finsbury Park i que va ser condemant l’any passat a set anys de presó per incitació a l’assassinat i a l’odi racial ha rebutjat l’infermera que fins ara el vestia, el rentava i el cuidava a la presó pel fet de ser lesbiana. Segons el clerge, posar-li aquesta infermera ha estat una greu vulneració dels drets humans i un atac a la seva religió.
HATE preacher Abu Hamza has refused any more treatment from his prison nurse after finding out the man is gay.The nurse, nickname Queenie, has been helping to wash and dress the convicted terrorist for more than two years. A prison source told the Mirror the full-time staffer is openly gay and has a camp voice.Officers at Belmarsh jail are said to be surprised Hamza, 48, has not noticed before.
Now the cleric is claiming it is against his religion and human rights to be treated by a homosexual. The source said Hamza's solicitor wrote to the governor demanding his client is given a new regular nurse.