En una entrevista al diari “
USAToday”, Johansson explica que està diposada a visitar els soldats nord-americans a l’Iraq de la mateixa manera que Marilyn Monroe ho va fer a Corea l’any 1954. Segons l’actriu nord-americana, “rebo cartes de soldats de la meva edat o més joves. Els vull anar a veure el mes d’octubre”.

What about the comparison with Monroe?
"Maybe he's just blinded by my shock of platinum hair, or maybe it's my body type," she says with a laugh. "Honestly, I've never really understood (the comparison). I absolutely love Marilyn Monroe," and so does Allen, "but I don't see it."
She doesn't deny she appeals to many men. She plans to go to Iraq this year with the USO to visit U.S. servicemen.
"I get letters from guys my age and younger. I wanted to go in October, but it may be a little later."
Will she sing for them?
"Maybe. I'll probably just take the stage and ooze sex appeal and hang around."