S'hi han fixat, no? La internacional mediàtica ja gairebé no parla de l'Iraq. Com que no hi ha prou sang i fetge que vendre, el silenci. Fins que el proper atemptat suïcida aporti la dosi suficient de cadàvers per reprendre la lletania. Però el silenci mediàtic no vol dir que no passin coses. En passen, i moltes. La principal, que la violència -sectària o terrorista- no només ha caigut en picat sinó que continua baixant.
En vuit mesos s'ha reduït d'un 70%.
Iraqi Commander of operation in Baghdad announced that sectarian violence has declined 70% in Baghdad over the last 8 months and Iraqi forces will take over 50% of Baghdad’s security by years end.
Brigadier Abood Qanbar announced in a joint pres conference with General Raymond Odierno. ‘The number of sectarian violence incidences has declined 70%, car bombs declined 65% since the start of operation rule of law (the surge) in Mid February’. Qanbar added, ‘Violent incidences against civilians have declined 59%, against Iraqi forces have declined 62%, against journalist have declined 70%, in the months after implementing operation Rule of Law, by the Iraqi defense ministry, with cooperation from the interior ministry and support from the Multi National Forces (MNF), as of the end of September.’
Qanbar presented data showing the decline in violence as well as the decline in physical damage done by car bombs. Damage due to car bombs has declined 81% and decline in civilian wounded was 80%. Iraqi forces have conducted operations in Al-Fadhil district in Baghdad from September 17 until October 12. This resulted in the deaths of 48 terrorists and the return of 58 families to their homes’.