“During these very challenging economic times facing all of our citizens, someone needs to explain why we should be funding projects such as $1.7 million for pig odor research in Iowa and $2 million for the promotion of astronomy in Hawaii and when we have people who are struggling to keep or find jobs, stay in their homes, and put food on their families table,” McCain continued. “This bill exemplifies why we need to enact comprehensive earmark reforms to help rein in wasteful spending.A banda d'això, també es preveuen 200.000 dòlars per a un programa per esborrar tatuatges a delinqüents penedits o 80.000 per a la recerca del genoma de peix-gat de Louisiana.
(Josep Pla)
dimecres, 4 de març del 2009
Obama, el Montilla d'Amèrica
Obama ha presentat al Congrés un projecte de llei per subvencionar activitats tan surrealistes com els informes encarregats per la Generalitat. El senador i excandidat a la presidència dels EUA, John McCain, ho ha denunciat.