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dissabte, 28 de gener del 2006

Hamas imposarà l'apartheid de sexe a les escoles palestines

Encara no han format govern i ja comencen. El número 2 de la candidatura de Hamas al Consell Legislatiu o parlament palestí, Abu Teir, en una entrevista concedida a "The Globe and Mail", deixa clar que la sharia serà, d'ara en endavant, la font d'inspiració legal a Cisjordània i Gaza i que els nens i les nenes aniran a classes separades. També diu que no s'agenollaran per pidolar les subvencions occidentals.
The incoming Hamas government will move quickly to make Islamic sharia “a source” of law in the West Bank and Gaza Strip and will overhaul the Palestinian education system to separate boys and girls and introduce a more Islamic curriculum, a senior official in the movement said yesterday.

Spelling out the domestic agenda of Hamas for the first time since the group's stunning victory in a legislative election this week, Sheik Mohammed Abu Teir also said Hamas would not go to foreign donors on bended knee if they withdrew aid to the Palestinian Authority.

The armed struggle against Israel will continue as long as Israel continues its occupation of Palestinian lands, he added.
En un gest de tolerància liberal diu que, de moment, no s'obligarà a les dones a portar el vel ni hi haurà una prohibició estricta de l'alcohol i que promocionaran aquests valors islàmics predicant amb l'exemple, fins que a la gent els surti de dins.
The sheik, a resident of the Um Tuba neighbourhood of East Jerusalem, did say that he believes the consumption of alcohol is wrong, and that the Koran indicates women should dress modestly. He said Hamas hoped to lead by example and thus persuade people to change their ways and follow the teachings of Islam more closely.

“We will not force a woman to wear the hijab [Islamic head scarf]; we hope that decision will come from inside her. I don't care to have women put on the hijab and then take it off when no one is looking,” he said.