Adéu a Nihil Obstat | Hola a The Catalan Analyst

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Moltes gràcies a tots per haver-me seguit amb tanta fidelitat durant tots aquests anys.

dimarts, 28 de març del 2006

N'hi ha que ni guarden les aparences, oi Kofi?

Tant que va parlar quan les caricatures de Mahoma -que si intolerància, que si islamofòbia, que si racisme...- i ara, quan un musulmà afaganès pot ser executat pel pecat d' haver-se convertit al cristianisme, el secretari general de l'ONU, Kofi Annan, no ha obert la boca. Chroniques de l'Extrême-Centre cita les preguntes d'un periodista al respecte i les respostes d'un portaveu de les Nacions Unides (via Cheat Seeking Missiles)
Question: Yesterday, I asked you about Abdul Rahman and you pointed to the Covenant of Human Rights and you said that Tom Koenigs had made a statement. And I’m glad that he did on behalf of the United Nations. However, after I asked you that, a number of prominent Muslim clerics in Afghanistan made calls for this man, who had converted from Islam to Christianity, to be executed.

I want to ask you this. Annan -- Mr. Secretary-General -- made two statements on the cartoon issue. He also went to Qatar and he made a statement about -- he also found -- helped to found the Alliance on Civilizations, which is supposed to bridge the problems encountered by Western and Islamic societies. And I don’t understand why he can’t make a statement now, because nobody knows who Tom Koenigs is. I appreciate that he did make that statement, but to put that in an article is a bit of a –-

Spokesman: I think Mr. Koenigs speaks -– is the Secretary-General’s Representative in Afghanistan. He speaks for him in Afghanistan. The Secretary-General, as a UN official, firmly believes that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is exactly that -- universal -- and applies to all, and specifically to this gentleman in Afghanistan, who should be free to choose his belief and change his beliefs, as he so wishes.

Question: But I don’t understand why the Secretary-General cannot say that himself. You know, this is what this whole building was founded on, and I’m just trying to understand that.

Spokesman: OK. I’m saying to you, when Mr. Koenigs speaks, he speaks as the Secretary-General’s Representative. This is currently a local issue in Afghanistan, and when Mr. Koenig speaks, he speaks as the Representative of the Secretary-General. So, it’s as if the Secretary-General had spoken.

Si no fós per les pressions de Bush, a aquestes hores Abdul Rahman ja estaria mort, o poc li faltaria. El govern afganès ha aconseguit que Rahman sigui allibertat, però a risc de tenir greus problemes polítics. És difícil guardar les aparences.