A Pakistani journalist says that his sources in al Qaeda and the Taliban are claiming that nuclear material has already been smuggled across the Mexican border into the U.S. and that an operation bigger than 9/11 will be carried out during Ramadan--which begins later this month.
Hamid Mir, who is the only journalist ever to interview both Osama bin Laden and Ayman al Zawahiri, claims that he learned this information on a recent trip to Afghanistan last month.
So, the guy does have a track record, but considering that he got the information from al Qaeda and the Taliban....well, these guys aren't exactly reliable sources. So, yeah the headline is alarmist, but blame my editor and not me.
A man called Adnan Al-Shukri Jumaa (Juma, Jumah) is presently in the U.S. and has been assigned the task of detonating the nuclear material. The report does not say whether an actual nuclear bomb was smuggled in or only material to be used for a 'dirty bomb'.
Reports about Jumaa have been circulating for years. His real name is Adnan G. El Shukrijumah and he is wanted by the FBI. Shukrijumah has long been rumored to be inside the U.S. awaiting orders to detonate a dirty bomb.
(Josep Pla)
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dimecres, 13 de setembre del 2006
Ramadan nuclear?
Al Qaeda hauria planificat un atac nuclear als Estats Units durant el proper Ramadan. Ho diu Hamid Mir, el periodista paquistanès que va entrevistar Osama bin Laden i Ayman al Zawahiri, segons recull "The Jawa Report":