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diumenge, 3 d’agost del 2008

Israel acull militants de Fatah perseguits per Hamas

Ho explica la BBC:
Israel has allowed 180 members of a beleaguered clan loyal to Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to enter its territory from the Gaza Strip.

The Fatah faction supporters ran to a border crossing after a day of bloody fighting with their bitter rivals Hamas, who control the territory.

An Israeli army spokesman said some had laid down their weapons as they approached the crossing.

The injured among them were sent to Israeli hospitals, he added.

Fatah and Hamas blames each other for starting the fighting on Saturday, in which nine people were killed.

Reports say that the clashes broke out during a raid by Hamas on the stronghold of a local pro-Fatah clan.

Hamas had accused Fatah supporters of involvement in a bombing a week ago that killed five Hamas members and a young girl. Fatah denies this.