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dissabte, 16 de gener del 2010

L'enganyifa del desgel de l'Antàrtida

L'Institut Polar Norueg ha revelat que les temperatures del mar sota la plataforma de gel de l'Antàrtida Oriental no mostren cap senyal d'escalfament i que les dades que els catastrofistes dónen conèixer corresponen a l'única àrea del continent on els satèl.lits poden confirmar un escalfament. Aquesta àrea, que es la més sovintejada pels turistes per ser la més accessible, correspon a la Península Antàrtica i està més calenta per dos fenòmens naturals: pels vents i els corrents marins de l'Atlàntic Sud i per ser una zona d'activitat volcànica, tant terrestre com marina. Les xifres globals, des dels primers satèl.lits el 1979, assenyalen que l'Antàrtida en realitat s'ha refredat.
On Monday, scientists from the Norwegian Polar Institute reported that they'd measured sea temperatures beneath an East Antarctic ice shelf and found no signs of warming whatsoever. And while the discovery's corollaries remain mostly blurred by the few rogue mainstream media outlets actually reporting it, the findings are in fact yet another serious blow to the sky-is-falling-because-oceans-are-rising prophecies of the climate alarm crowd.

For years now, alarmists have insisted that Antarctica is thawing thanks to man-made global warming. They warn that such melting of a frozen continent containing 90 percent of all the ice on the planet would inevitably lead to a cataclysmic sea level rise (SLR). Scary stuff, indeed.

However, there are several problems with their assertions, not the least of which is that all evidence of melting selectively focuses on the only area of the continent satellite evidence confirms is warming -- the western region in general, and the Antarctic Peninsula in particular.

But as ICECAP's Joe D'Aleo observed in 2008 [PDF], the relatively small area of the peninsula offers an extremely poor representative sample, as it juts out well north of the mainland into an area of the South Atlantic well known for its "surface and subsurface active volcanic activity." And in the greater scheme, adds D'Aleo, "the vast continent has actually cooled since 1979."