WASHINGTON – Attorney General Eric Holder told Congress on Tuesday that Osama bin Laden will never face trial in the United States because he will not be captured alive.Ho va dir ahir, però cap mitjà de comunicació espanyol se n'ha fet ressò. Què hauria passat si en lloc d'haver-ho dit Holder, ministre d'Obama, ho hagués dit Ashcroft, ministre de Bush?
In testy exchanges with House Republicans, the attorney general compared terrorists to mass murderer Charles Manson and predicted that events would ensure "we will be reading Miranda rights to the corpse of Osama bin Laden" not to the al-Qaida leader as a captive.
(...) Pressed further on that point, Holder said: "The possibility of catching him alive is infinitesimal. He will be killed by us or he will be killed by his own people so he can't be captured by us."