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divendres, 30 de desembre del 2005

Hamas vol alliberar Sevilla

La Giralda, a la llum de la mitja lluna
Els esforços esmerçats per Miguel Angel Moratinos perquè la UE retirés Hamas de la llista d'organitzacions terroristes no han servit de gaire. Ho diu Rachel Ehrenfeld, directora de l'American Center for Democracy, que assegura que l'organització terrorista palestina Hamas ha situat Espanya entre els seus objectius. O sigui, alliberar Sevilla i Espanya dels infidels i retornar-la als musulmans i a l'imperi de la llei islàmica. Si més no, això és el que predica ara Hamas als nens palestins. Ja no n'hi ha prou amb alliberar Palestina, ara també cal alliberar Al Andalus!

Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos’ efforts earlier this year to remove HAMAS from the European Union’s terrorist list, have done little to change HAMAS’ agenda. It is not only Palestine that children in the West Bank and Gaza are asked to liberate; now they are asked to liberate Seville. The HAMAS children’s magazine, Al-Fateh, in a recent issue, (No. 66), tells the children about the city called Asbilia (Seville) and calls on them to free it, together with the whole country, from the infidels and to reinstate Muslim rule.
Apparently encouraged by successful Jihad against Israel, HAMAS is now raising the ante, going international. Just as they have indoctrinated a generation of Palestinian children to commit suicide attacks against Israelis, they are now expanding their targets to include the rest of the Caliphate – beginning with Spain. It is only a matter of time, before today’s Palestinian children, and others exposed to HAMAS’ publications start offering themselves up for the next stage of Jihad in Spain.
L'article sencer, aquí.