Adéu a Nihil Obstat | Hola a The Catalan Analyst

Després de 13 anys d'escriure en aquest bloc pràcticament sense interrumpció, avui el dono per clausurat. Això no vol dir que m'hagi jubilat de la xarxa, sinó que he passat el relleu a un altra bloc que segueix la mateixa línia del Nihil Obstat. Es tracta del bloc The Catalan Analyst i del compte de Twitter del mateix nom: @CatalanAnalyst Us recomano que els seguiu.

Moltes gràcies a tots per haver-me seguit amb tanta fidelitat durant tots aquests anys.

dilluns, 7 d’agost del 2006

La fi del periodisme modern

Faig un parèntesi en les vacances per deixar constància de la meva indignació, personal i professional, per la desvergonyida manipulació dels fets per part de la internacional mediàtica que aquests últims dies ha assolit límits sense precedents.

La meva desilusió professional no és cosa recent, però tot i això no sé resignar-me davant la prepotència impune d'aquells periodistes que transformen la informació en propaganda i de la corrúa d'oficinistes de redacció que amb el cul assegut vuit hores davant d'un ordinador l'escampen per tot arreu com si fós la veritat revelada, sense dubtes ni vacil·lacions, amb la complicitat de l'amanuense.

L'única esperança: els bloggers. No per ells mateixos, també subjectes a les passions que minen totes les ètiques professionals i personals, sinó perquè comporten la fi dels monopolis mediàtics i de les castes professionals.

Reuters retira totes les fots del freelance libanès

Reuters withdrew all 920 photographs by a freelance Lebanese photographer from its database on Monday after an urgent review of his work showed he had altered two images from the conflict between Israel and the armed group Hizbollah.

Global Picture Editor Tom Szlukovenyi called the measure precautionary but said the fact that two of the images by photographer Adnan Hajj had been manipulated undermined trust in his entire body of work.

"There is no graver breach of Reuters standards for our photographers than the deliberate manipulation of an image," Szlukovenyi said in a statement.

"Reuters has zero tolerance for any doctoring of pictures and constantly reminds its photographers, both staff and freelance, of this strict and unalterable policy."

The news and information agency announced the decision in an advisory note to its photo service subscribers. The note also said Reuters had tightened editing procedures for photographs from the conflict and apologised for the case.

Removing the images from the Reuters database excludes them from future sale.

Reuters ended its relationship with Hajj on Sunday after it found that a photograph he had taken of the aftermath of an Israeli air strike on suburban Beirut had been manipulated using Photoshop software to show more and darker smoke rising from buildings.

An immediate enquiry began into Hajj's other work.

It established on Monday that a photograph of an Israeli F-16 fighter over Nabatiyeh, southern Lebanon and dated Aug 2, had also been doctored to increase the number of flares dropped by the plane from one to three.
La sortida "honorable" de Reuters no és altra que l'ocultació de les proves, com molt bé senyala Michelle Malkin:

If Reuters had half a brain, it would post all of Hajj's photos on a separate site and welcome continued blogger analysis that uncovered this debacle in the first place. Withdrawing the photos to cover their tracks is a dumb idea.

If they are interested in the truth, they will harness the power of the Internet’s distributed intelligence network--not cut it off.
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