Sunday, 11:00-12:30 pmAl Paquistan, dones amb burka es manifesten per defensar el seu dret a ser apallissades.
Room 22
Session 9G: “...And Beat them Lightly”: An Analysis and In-Depth Discussion of Verse 4:34
This session will discuss the following: understanding the context of revelation (asbaab al nuzuul) for this verse. Emphasis will be focused on understanding the correct meaning of the verse, with specific attention given to the words qiwamah, nushuz, and daraba as well as to understand how this verse is to be applied as a protection for women, not as an abuse.
Speakers: Muzzamil Siddiqi, Rabia Karim Khan
Moderators: Mohamed Magid Ali
Female activists from Pakistan's main fundamentalist party Jamaat-i-Islami, march in protest against amendments by the government to the country's Islamic laws, 'Hudood Ordinances,' on rape and adultery during a rally in Lahore. As Pakistan's President Pervez Musharraf tries to push through changes to Islamic rape laws, a groundbreaking television series has been credited for helping to open up the issue.(AFP/Arif Ali)