Adéu a Nihil Obstat | Hola a The Catalan Analyst

Després de 13 anys d'escriure en aquest bloc pràcticament sense interrumpció, avui el dono per clausurat. Això no vol dir que m'hagi jubilat de la xarxa, sinó que he passat el relleu a un altra bloc que segueix la mateixa línia del Nihil Obstat. Es tracta del bloc The Catalan Analyst i del compte de Twitter del mateix nom: @CatalanAnalyst Us recomano que els seguiu.

Moltes gràcies a tots per haver-me seguit amb tanta fidelitat durant tots aquests anys.

dimarts, 17 d’octubre del 2006

Delícies multiculturals

Les noies no musulmanes obligades a portar el vel en una escola islàmica del Regne Unit.

Ho publica el Daily Mail:

Female students at a new Islamic school will be made to wear head scarves regardless of their religion, it was revealed yesterday.
The Madani High School in Leicester will be required by law to accept 10 per cent of its 600 pupils from a non-Muslim background.
But girls who are not Muslim will still have to abide by a rule insisting all female pupils cover their heads as part of the uniform.
Assistant principal Zainab Elgaziari said he did not regard the demand as a problem - despite the ongoing row over Muslim women's veils.

Musulmans britànics s’oposen a la celebració dels Jocs Olímpics del 2012 a Londres perquè coincidiran amb el Ramadan

Ho publica el Daily Mail:

The 2012 London Olympics have been plunged into controversy by the discovery that the Games will clash with Ramadan, the most holy month in the Islamic calendar. The clash will put Muslim athletes at a disadvantage as they will be expected to fast from sunrise to sunset for the entire duration of the Games.
In 2012, Ramadan will take place from July 21 to August 20, while the Olympics run from July 27 to August 12. About a quarter of the 11,099 athletes who took part in the 2004 Athens Olympics came from countries with predominantly Muslim populations. Because the Muslim calendar is based on a lunar cycle, the ninth month of Ramadan - which runs from the appearance of one new crescent moon to the next - gets earlier by around 11 days each year. The clash will be a huge embarrassment for Lord Coe, Culture Secretary Tessa Jowell, and London Mayor Ken Livingstone, who have been keen to ensure the Games involve all Britain's ethnic communities. Massoud Shadjareh, chairman of the London-based Islamic Human Rights Commission, said: "They would not have organised this at Christmas. It is equally stupid to organise it at Ramadan

Impartir classe d’anglès amb la cara tapada

Una professora musulmana que es negava a treure’s el vel mentre impartia classe d’anglès en una escola del Regne Unit ha estat suspesa de les seves funcions després que els alumnes es queixessin que els costava entendre-la. L’escola li va demanar que durant la classe s’alcés el vel, tot i que podia seguir portant-lo en els passadissos i la sala de professors,. Però la professora musulmana s’hi va negar argumentant que el vel forma part de la seva cultura i de la seva identitat religiosa.

Vídeo d’una entrevista a la professora feta per la BBC, aquí.

Un farmacèutic musulmà es nega a vendre a una dona la píndola de l’endemà

Ho publica el Daily Telegraph:
A Muslim chemist repeatedly refused a mother the "morning after" pill because of his religious beliefs. Jo-Ann Thomas, a school crossing patrolwoman with two children, was told that even though the item was in stock she should go to her doctor for her supplies. When she was denied the pill at a Lloyds Pharmacy near her home in Thurcroft, Rotherham, she asked why and says she was told the pharmacist was a "deeply religious Muslim". An anticipated 3,000 Muslim competitors are expected to be affected.