Adéu a Nihil Obstat | Hola a The Catalan Analyst

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Moltes gràcies a tots per haver-me seguit amb tanta fidelitat durant tots aquests anys.

dijous, 19 d’octubre del 2006

Un 30% de la població mundial accepta algun tipus de tortura si serveix per impedir que els terroristes matin innocents

Aquesta era la dada més destacada de l’enquesta feta per la BBC a 27.000 persones a 25 països del món:
Nearly a third of people worldwide back the use of torture in prisons in some circumstances, a BBC survey suggests.
Although 59% were opposed to torture, 29% thought it acceptable to use some degree of torture to combat terrorism.
While most polled in the US are against torture, opposition there is less robust than in Europe and elsewhere.
More than 27,000 people in 25 countries were asked if torture would be acceptable if it could provide information to save innocent lives.
Some 36% of those questioned in the US agreed that this use of torture was acceptable, while 58% were unwilling to compromise on human rights.

La pregunta era aquesta:
“Most countries have agreed to rules prohibiting torturing prisoners. Which position is closer to yours?:

Terrorists pose such an extreme threat that governments should now be allowed to use some degree of torture if it may gain information that saves innocent lives

Clear rules against torture should be maintained because any use of torture is immoral and will weaken international human rights.