L'afganès Abdul Rahman es va convertir al cristianisme fa 16 anys. Per aquest crim d'apostasia va estar a punt de ser condemnat a mort per un tribunal islàmic al seu pais. Finalment, el govern de Kabul, pressionat pels Estats Units i altres països, va permetre que s'exiliés a Itàlia. Ara, els talibans amenacen al govern de Roma amb executar un periodista italià si abans de diumenge no han retornat Rahman a l'Afganistan. Ho explica
KABUL (Reuters) - The kidnappers of an Italian photojournalist have demanded Italy hand over an Afghan who converted to Christianity from Islam by midnight Sunday in return for the hostage's release, a Web site said.
Gabriele Torsello was taken by five gunmen last Thursday in the violence-plagued south of the country. Afghan police say he is being held by the Taliban, but the group has denied any involvement, blaming criminals.
The kidnappers did not say what they would do if their demand was refused, said PeaceReporter (www.peacereporter.net), which specializes in conflict cover.
They demanded Abdul Rahman, 41, who converted 16 years ago while working with a Christian aid group as a refugee in Pakistan, be returned to Afghanistan.