I went through like 300+ pictures on Yahoo! News and they had pictures from Reuters, the A(w/t [MM]P, and the AFP. Now, aside from the fact that in all 300+ captions they mention that Israel troops killed 18 Palestinian civilians, mostly women and children, they also mixed photos of mourning people at a “funeral” with the destruction of the city that the Israelis caused. Now, if they had put the pictures of the destruction all in the same group, you would have noticed that they simply took the same building and shot pictures of different people standing in/on/around it.
Notice, also, the progression of the hole in the wall- pardon the pun. First it starts off kind of small (1), then it gets slightly larger (3), then it’s large enough to fit 2 small children in (4). Are people doing construction work and attending the funeral at the same time? Are photographers, then, just happening to get shots without the demolishers and with random by-standers? Interesting if you ask me.
Vía Chroniques de l'Extrême-Centre.