Hossein Derakhshan, considerat un dels pioners dels bloggers iranians,
l'han detingut a Teheran. L'acusació és la de sempre: espiar a favor d'Occident en general i d'Israel en particular.
According to what the article says are “credible sources”, Hossein has admitted to spying for Israel. His confessions are said to include some “intricate” points.
Jahan news talks about Hossein’s participation in a number of conferences in Israel. It says that Haaretz news paper described him as a friend of Israel. It then quotes Jerusalem Post and Haaretz as saying that Hossein had described Israel as a model of democracy, and that the Israeli and Turkish system of governance, and participation of religion in government was a good model for Iran.
It then goes on to say that Hossein had a picture in Jerusalem post under which he said “I want to humanise Israel for Iranians and to tell them that Israel is not thirsty for blood of Muslims, as propaganda from the Islamic Republic says”.