El prestigiós científic britànic Richard Dawkins, embolicat des de fa un temps en una absurda creuada contra la religió cristiana ja que, com tothom sap, Benet XVI és molt més perillós que Osama bin Laden, vol emular ara al nostre jutge estrella Baltasar Garzón i intentar que el pròxim mes de setembre
es detingui el Papa a Londres, igual que Pinochet, acusat de crims contra la humanitat pels afers de pedofilia encoberts pel Vaticà.
ATHEIST campaigner Richard Dawkins has vowed to arrest the Pope for crimes against humanity. Professor Dawkins has hired a team of lawyers to see if Pope Benedict XVI can be charged over his handling of the sexual abuse scandal engulfing the Roman Catholic Church, according to The Sunday Times.
Professor Dawkins, who wrote The God Delusion, claims that the Pope has shielded paedophile priests from the authorities.However, he and fellow writer Christopher Hitchens believe they can make a case for arresting the Pope during the Pope's planned visit to Britain in September.