El diari israelià d’esquerra Ha'aretz ha tornat a posar d’actualitat el misteri de l’arsenal d’armes de destrucció massiva de l'Iraq, que va servir, entre altres raons, per a justificar l’operació militar contra Saddma Hussein. Les fotos per satèl•lit d’un indret sospitós a Síria aportarien noves dades a la denúncia del periodista sirià Nizar Nayouf que el 2004 va revelar que les ADM de l'Iraq havien estat enviades a tres llocs de Síria abans que comencés la invasió.
El diari israelià revela que en una àrea de 200 quilòmetres quadrats al nord-oest de Síria ha estat fotografiada per satèl.lit, a petició d'una agència d'intel ligència occidental, com a mínim 16 vegades, la més recent el passat mes de gener. El lloc, prop de Masyaf, té almenys cinc instal.lacions i camins amagats sota les principals muntanyes.
Which Western intelligence agency requested satellite photographs of secret Syrian military installations near the border with Lebanon over the past two years?
A small patch of territory in northwest Syria has been photographed on at least 16 occasions. The images were procured by satellite imaging service DigitalGlobe, which the Western company hired.
The company received more orders for photographs over the past year, including two in January. All the photos, the dates they were taken and their precise locations are available online via Google Earth.
The 200-square-kilometer area in question is 30 kilometers north of Syria's northernmost border with Lebanon. The nearest town is Masyaf, which has 35,000 residents and is in the Hama district. Official Syrian government websites say the town and its environs are an agricultural and tourist region.
The images depict at least five guarded installations whose purpose is unclear. In the center is a new residential complex with at least 40 multistory buildings whose shape and structure are distinct from the architecture in the rest of the town.
(Via Barcepundit)