WASHINGTON – The White House blocked efforts by federal scientists to tell the public just how bad the Gulf oil spill could have been.
That finding comes from a panel appointed by President Barack Obama to investigate the worst offshore oil spill in history.
In documents released Wednesday, the national oil spill commission reveals that in late April or early May the White House budget office denied a request from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to make public the worst-case discharge from the blown-out well.
BP estimated the worse scenario to be a leak of 2.5 million gallons per day. The government, meanwhile, was telling the public the well was releasing 210,000 gallons per day - a figure that later grew closer to BP's figure.
(Josep Pla)
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dijous, 7 d’octubre del 2010
Obama va amagar informació sobre el vessament de petroli
Obama va bloquejar els intents dels científics d'informar el públic de fins on podria arribar el vessament.