L'assassinat president nord-americà John F. Kennedy era un addicte sexual. Cada dia tenia una noia, però això no va ser motiu d'escàndol ni ha qüestionat la seva sacralització com a gran president dels Estats Units. Certament, el círcol de Berlusconi és lamentable, però la diferència de tracte revela un partidisme visceral i una hipocresia il·limitada.
Politician and art critic Vittorio Sgarbi, mayor of Salemi, in an interview with Radio 24, recently summed up the philosophy in all its piquant, if unprintable, glory. "Having a normal sexual appetite isn't shocking, I think. I don't understand why Berlusconi is denying the facts. I believe that sex can make you feel better. He who [makes love] well, governs well. . . . Sex heals. Kennedy is Berlusconi's model. Not Obama or Clinton. Kennedy [had] a girl a day and he was the president of all times . . . and he almost became a saint. Berlusconi represents the Italy that [embraces sex]."