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divendres, 10 de febrer del 2006

Frattini, s'atrapa abans a un mentider que a un coix

Franco Frattini ha intentat desmarcar-se de la informació que publicava el Daily Telegraph sobre la seva intenció de promoure un codi de conducta entre la professió periodística europea per evitar un altra cas com el de les caricatures de Mahoma. Avui, David Rennie, el perodista que el va entrevistar a Brussel·les, publica a la xarxa la transcripció de la conversa. Entre altres coses Frattini diu:
I expect to address exactly the issue of the possibilities of reconciling the principle of freedom of expression, that cannot be limited of courser, with the principle of responsibility of journalists, and press in general. We will talk also about the so-called code of conduct, which I mentioned in the communication on radicalisation, but of course the point will be, when I talk about a code of conduct, I don't talk about an instrument to limit the freedom of expression. But I will try to offer to the press, to journalists, an instrument to self-regulate.
"The first point is, any kind of unilateral imposition coming from institutions should be avoided, but if you agree, and I speak to a very key sector in touch with public opinion, if you agree to the need to reconcile these two key pillars for example, freedom of expression on one hand, and full respect of religions on the other hand, if you agree on the importance of preventing and eradicating the roots of violence, please, help me, that's my new approach, because of course it is not through laws and imposition that we can solve this very difficult problem.
Now, we are in this very difficult situation, why? Because there was a violent reaction to an expression of the fundamental freedom of the press. The publication [of the cartoons], and particularly the republication was, in my view, imprudent. Because probably they didn't calculate, they didn't think exactly of the consequences, and the risks of inflaming the situation, immediately after the victory of Hamas, immediately after the very serious threat posed by the president of Iran.
"So what I believe is that even in this very difficult moment, our first statement should be, freedom of expression should be granted, to everyone. But, in candour, of course violent reactions should be condemned, but that said, if you want to reconcile those two principles, please help me to find the best way.
"That is my political approach, it is not a bureaucratic one. If I have to condemn violence, obviously I condemn violence, but that said, after having condemned violence, what should we do? We should do something more, and we should together, journalists and editors, and European institutions address this together, because it is a matter of fact that this publication inflamed a very difficult situation in the Middle East.