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dijous, 6 de desembre del 2007

El 80% dels palestins alliberats retornen al terrorisme

Un estudi publicat dimarts per Almagor Organization i recollit per "Haaretz" mostra que el 80% dels palestins alliberats durant el procés de pau van retornar al terrorisme.

Palestinian militants, freed in past prisoner releases by Israel, were responsible for at least 30 terror attacks which claimed the lives of 177 Israelis, according to a study published yesterday by Almagor, an organization representing the victims of Palestinian terrorism. The report's publication came in response to yesterday's release of 429 Palestinians jailed in Israeli prisons. According to the report, 6,912 militants were released between the years 1993 and 1999, and nearly 80 percent of them returned to terrorist activity.

(Via GatewayPundit)

Víctimes israelianes del terrorisme palestí