Per primera vegada, centenars de persones, especialment estudiants britànics, ha sortit al carrer per defensar el capitalisme i protestar contra l'excessiu intervencionisme dels governs, que consideren l'autèntica causa de l'actual crisi financera.
En paral·lel a les desenes de milers de manfiestants anticapitalistes, aquesta minoria s'ha atrevit a disputar-los pacíficament el carrer. El líder de la protesta, Rory Hodgson, estudiant de la Universitat de York, ha fet la crida a través de Facebook.
The mixed economy has failed. This crisis is the fault of regulation (qua regulation; not just the "wrong kind" of regulation). We do not live in a Laissez-Faire Capitalist system, and it is in the most regulated sectors - the banking and housing sectors - that this crisis has occurred.
A patchwork of various groups are going to descend on London, campaigning for the end of any remnants of Capitalism that we have left.