Adéu a Nihil Obstat | Hola a The Catalan Analyst

Després de 13 anys d'escriure en aquest bloc pràcticament sense interrumpció, avui el dono per clausurat. Això no vol dir que m'hagi jubilat de la xarxa, sinó que he passat el relleu a un altra bloc que segueix la mateixa línia del Nihil Obstat. Es tracta del bloc The Catalan Analyst i del compte de Twitter del mateix nom: @CatalanAnalyst Us recomano que els seguiu.

Moltes gràcies a tots per haver-me seguit amb tanta fidelitat durant tots aquests anys.

diumenge, 28 de gener del 2007

Les notícies de l'Iraq, segons el NYT

James Taranto escriu això a WSJ:

Good news from Iraq: Parliament has approved Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's plan for securing Baghdad, which means that President Bush's new strategy has the legal approval of the Iraqi government.

Bad news from Iraq, according to the New York Times:

Iraq's Shiite prime minister and Sunni lawmakers hurled insults at one another during a raucous session of Parliament on Thursday, with the prime minister threatening a Sunni lawmaker with arrest and the Sunni speaker of Parliament threatening to quit.

That's the lead paragraph. The 27th paragraph--yes, the twenty-seventh--finally informs us of the outcome:

Eventually, though, the tensions eased and Parliament approved the security plan.

If Parliament had rejected the plan, do you think the Times would have waited until the 27th paragraph to tell us?