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dimarts, 30 d’octubre del 2007

L'Iran condemna a mort l'opositor Abdullah al Mansouri

El defensor dels drets humans i opositor iranià, Abdullah al Mansouri, ha estat condemnat a mort fa unes hores. La seva execució pot tenir lloc en les pròximes 48 hores. Segons el seu fill, va ser torturat perquè confesés els delictes que el règim iranià li volia encolomar.
Mansouri was born in Iran, but was granted Dutch citizenship after fleeing to the Netherlands as a political refugee. The human rights activist has been involved with the civil rights of minorities in Iran. He received royal distinction for his work from Dutch Queen Beatrix.

Iran, however, claims Mansouri has been involved in terrorist activities.

He was arrested 18 months ago during a trip to Syria and authorities subsequently extradited him to Iran, where he has allegedly been tortured.

His son says he expects his father will be forced to confess to certain crimes on Iranian national television prior to his execution.