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Moltes gràcies a tots per haver-me seguit amb tanta fidelitat durant tots aquests anys.

diumenge, 22 d’octubre del 2006

A Somàlia, els islamistes prohibeixen les dones banyar-se a la platja

Això és el que fan els islamistes quan arriben al poder absolut. Ho van fer a l'Afganistan i ara ho fan a Somàlia:
MOGADISHU, Somalia — An Islamic court has banned women from swimming at the main beach in Somalia's capital, the latest step to impose strict religious rule that has sparked fears of an emerging, Taliban-style regime.

Sheikh Farah Ali Hussein, who chairs a northern Mogadishu Islamic court, said Friday that the ban applies only to the northern Mogadishu Leedo beach, where families usually go on weekends to play and relax.

"We stopped women from swimming because it is against the teaching of Islam for women to mingle with men, especially while they are swimming," Hussein said.

Since sweeping to power over much of southern Somalia in June, the Islamists have banned movie viewing, publicly lashed drug users and broken up a wedding celebration because a band was playing and women and men were socializing together. They also have introduced public executions.

Somali women usually swim fully clothed as swimsuits are generally frowned upon. Somali men, however, swim in trunks, at times bare-chested or wearing vests.